WA takes out top award for liquid gold

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screen-shot-2016-09-15-at-11.55.55-amCooladerra Farm – Batch 43 of Frankland River, has been named Best WA Oil of Show at the annual Perth Royal Olives Show. The judges praised its “Grassy with distinct fruit and plant aromas that follows onto the palate with creamy tones. A harmonious complex oil with good persistence on the throat.”

The Best Flavoured Oil of Show was Gingin-based Guinea Grove Farm Lime Crush.  Judges admired the “Excellent balance of lime with fresh olive oil flavour”.

Swan Beach Nominees’ Silver Lakes Extra Virgin Olive Oil, of Byford, also laid claim to a gold medal.

The Best Oil of the Show was awarded to the eastern seaboard’s ROSTO Mellow for its “Complex and well balanced oil that keeps persisting.”

Ellen Slobe, chief steward said from a total of 52 entries, seven gold medals were presented with three of them being awarded to WA producers. “We presented seven gold medals, with three of them to West Australian producers, 15 silver and 25 bronze medals.” The judging was led by Isabelle Okis.


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