OneMusic Australia offers COVID-19 fee-relief

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Music-licensed restaurants and cafes forced by governments to close for a period under the pandemic will be granted fee-relief from OneMusic.

We have taken into account the social distancing rules that reduced the numbers of customers allowed on-site for certain businesses.

There is nothing your business needs to do right now, we will write to let you know how this fee-relief will be applied as a credit to your account if you hold a licence with us.

If you were about to get a OneMusic licence and then COVID-19 struck, we will start your licence later, giving you fee-relief in a slightly different way but still an assurance of adequate licence coverage.

Every supplier will say this, but it’s true – we truly understand it has been a difficult time for everyone. Our 100,000-plus music creator members have had no gigs plus much less royalty money coming in – and if they picked up a shift or two at their local café to make ends meet – that went too! There has been no JobKeeper program for the arts and culture sector.

Many businesses so far have said ‘keep the change’ and opted to forgo the fee-relief credit so that the money stays with these music creator members – a lovely act of generosity.

We wish you all the best for a smooth and full economic recovery.


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