King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

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king arthurIn true Guy Ritchie style, this is a movie you should approach with an open mind. This new telling of the mythological King Arthur tale takes a few multi genre turns that may throw off some viewers, but stick with it and allow the movie to show you a new take on an old favourite.
Charlie Hunnam plays the charismatic, cockney prince protagonist, orphaned as an infant and sent drifting on a boat until he is taken in by a group of prostitutes and raised in a brothel on the streets of ‘Londinium’. Arthur quickly grows up in a fast paced montage, before pulling the sword from the non-proverbial stone in an act that foreshadows his predestined fight with the uncle who slayed his father, a pilgrimage on which he is accompanied by a diverse street gang from his childhood days, the inevitable original knights of the round table.
The grand finale pitts nephew against uncle in a magic fuelled duel thanks to a supernatural love interest and an octopus living in a dungeon. Jude Law as Uncle Vortigern channels a myriad of tyrannical monarchs but is eventually defeated by the revenge seeking prince, as we all knew he would be.
Eric Bana gives the most believable, but unfortunately short-lived, performance of the movie as Uther Pedragon, father of Arthur, while performances from Poppy Delevigne and David Beckham add star power cameos to the film.
With an easily digested plot and dialogue full of banter to offset the machine-gun fire pace of the movie and its editing, if the pronunciation of Arthur in a Geordie accent doesn’t put you off keep in mind the liberal use of CGI might make this movie more palatable to sci-fi enthusiasts than historical fantasy ones.


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