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R&C_logo_large copyNew training product development arrangements announced for the vocational education sector by the Australian Government this morning is a welcome step in addressing the skill needs of the tourism and hospitality sector, according to peak industry association Restaurant & Catering Australia (R&CA).
R&CA CEO John Hart says the announcement has come at a critical time. “The sector is currently experiencing a shortfall of 35,800 jobs, with this number expected to increase to 56,000 by the end of 2015. Additionally, employment in the cafe, restaurant and takeaway food services sector is projected to grow more than 43,700 jobs or 8.5 percent to November 2018,” said Mr Hart.This rate of employment growth is expected to be higher than any other industry in the Australian economy. “It is estimated that Australia will require an additional 2.5 million people with Vocational Education Training (VET) qualifications between 2006 and 2016; 1.7 million of which will need to be qualified at Certificate III level or above. The new model supporting industry reference committees will more closely align the skill needs of industry with the training that is delivered through the vocational education sector. Changes to this structure and authorising environment through the Australian Industry Skills Committee will help to provide the necessary skilled staff required to deliver quality customer experiences well into the future,” said Mr Hart.
Mr Hart said today’s announcement is recognition that skilled staff in the tourism and hospitality industry is necessary for the economic growth of the country. “Waiters, cooks, chefs and café and restaurant managers are the most in-demand occupations in the sector and will continue to be well beyond 2015. Australia’s system of competency standards and qualifications-based learning is world renowned; this change to the development process will strengthen that reputation even further,” said Mr Hart.



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