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The Australian Hotels Association (WA) has applauded the McGowan Government’s initiative to encourage Western Australians to have a unique holiday in Perth’s metropolitan region, using our local hotels, hospitality and entertainment venues and tour businesses.

AHA(WA) CEO Bradley woods said the support of the WA Government and Tourism WA comes at a critical time when some Perth hotels have occupancy at levels at less than 10 per cent.

“The campaign is designed to help support Perth hotels and tourism businesses that have been impacted severely as a result of COVID-19,” Mr Woods said.

“Without international and interstate business and leisure travellers, hotels and other businesses in Perth’s CBD are experiencing very low occupancy levels, so we strongly welcome innovative campaigns to encourage Western Australians to have short holidays.”

“Many of Perth’s hotels rely heavily on corporate visitors who come to Perth for meetings, conferences, exhibitions and events, but with this travel having been wiped out since March we need to ensure that these businesses are supported with a different clientele.”

“In recent years Perth’s accommodation offering has boomed. Many local residents will be stunned to see the wide variety of affordable hotels we now have available, complemented by a huge array of world class hospitality entertainment venues.”


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