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The Australian Hotels Association (WA) welcomes today’s announcement of a free interactive course to assist job seekers in the Kimberley to able to enter the hospitality industry with work- ready skills.

AHA(WA) CEO Bradley Woods said the five-day Kimberley Hospitality Job Connect initiative was timely given the acute workforce shortages being experienced across regional WA.

“This practical, hands-on training will help prepare job seekers with the kind of basic experience and knowledge that hospitality operators are looking for,” Mr Woods said.

“There are an abundance of hospitality jobs in regional WA at the moment, that can act as a launching pad into long, successful careers so now is the ideal time to equip job seekers with essential skills and basic qualifications they need to hit the ground running.”

“Chef Don Hancey is a well-known industry leader that will instil skills, knowledge and inspiration into those he mentors.”

“Importantly, at the end of the five day course, students will be introduced to employers who are looking to fill positions, which will inevitably lead to direct employment opportunities.”

“We commend the State Government for this simple yet effective solution to alleviating widespread workforce shortages in WA’s regional hospitality businesses.”


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