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Screen shot 2015-09-03 at 3.22.34 PMTourism Australia CEO, John O’Sullivan has today said that Western Australia is likely to feature as part of Tourism Australia’s new #notatourist campaign with Visa; part of an effort to get tourists beyond the eastern seaboard.
Yesterday, the Australian Hotels Association noted, “WA tourism is being held back by low level State Government funding and too much focus by the national Tourism Australia on bringing tourists to the east coast”.
Australian Hotels Association CEO, Bradley Woods welcomed Tourism Australia’s commitment to Western Australia saying, “Attracting tourists that see the east coast of Australia as too far but would easily travel to WA, is the new market opportunity. In addition focussing on repeat visitation and ensuring people don’t leave WA off their itineraries is good news.
“Western Australia has massive tourism potential but at the moment it’s far from being realised.
“Tourism is widely recognised as Australia’s new growth sector. If we want to create more jobs and career opportunities for tourism in WA, we need to spend more money on marketing at a state level and ensuring we’re not left behind at a national level.” Mr Woods concluded.


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