Thousands apply for the “Best Job” WA

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After only one week, Tourism Australia’s ‘Best Jobs in the World’ competition has significantly raised the profile of Australia as a tourist destination around the world, according to the Australia Hotels Association (WA).
“With 150,000 individuals from 196 countries submitting over 275,000 expressions of interest in the ‘Best Jobs in the World’ there can be no doubt the competition is already a huge success,” said AHA(WA) CEO Bradley Woods.
“Thousands of applications have already been received for the job of West Australia’s Taste Master, one of six ‘Best Jobs in the World’ which are part of the competition.
“The ‘Best Jobs in the World’ competition has generated significant media attention in both Australian and international media, including coverage in Time Magazine, the New York Times, the Daily Telegraph, BBC, Good Morning America and national TV news in more than a dozen countries.
“This is exactly the kind of marketing investment the tourism and hospitality industry has been calling on Government for.
“We understand a number of international television production companies are interested in pursuing documentary projects in Australia due to the interest generated by the ‘Best Jobs in the Word’ competition.”

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