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Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 7.46.50 PMReforms to Western Australia’s liquor laws announced by the WA State Government will deliver real benefits to the state’s hospitality industry and the public, reflecting longstanding advocacy efforts by the Australian Hotels Association (WA).
The WA Government’s reforms reinforce the importance of tourism to the WA economy and underscore the significant contribution the hotel and hospitality industry makes to Western Australian job creation.
AHA(WA) CEO Bradley Woods said there were a number of liquor reforms that will ensure the state’s liquor laws are more conducive to a modern economy and better aligned to customer needs.
“We welcome the McGowan Government’s efforts to create a better framework for liquor licensing that will assist WA’s hospitality businesses to deliver a better experience for their customers,” Mr Woods said.
“It is encouraging to see the proper inclusion of tourism and its economic and employment benefits when assessing permits and applications.”
“We welcome the ability of the CEO of Tourism Western Australia to be given equal consideration to that of the Chief Health Officer and Commissioner of Police when assessing liquor licensing applications.”
“Other changes championed by the Australian Hotels Association are yet to be announced and we look forward to seeing the detail of the legislation when it is tabled in Parliament next week.”
“We will continue to work with Minister Papalia and the State Government on the detail of these reforms to ensure their effective implementation.”
“We also look forward to working closely with the State Government on an ongoing basis to maximise jobs and training opportunities through the cutting of red tape for our sector.”


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