Red Tape Reduction on Liquor Licensing Laws

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liqlawsAccording to the Restaurant & Catering Association Australia (R&CA), changes to the Liquor Control Act will make it easier for producers and restaurants to do business. The introduction of the Liquor Legislation Amendment Act 2015, will allow producers to sell alcohol ancillary to a meal or for comparative tasting, as well as allow these operators to sell alcohol other than their own.
In addition, the Act abolishes an anomaly that once restricted patrons from moving freely in a licensed premises where they may cross an unlicensed area, such as a footpath, into an alfresco area.
According to John Hart, CEO of R&CA,”Red tape reduces productivity in the workplace. Patrons want the flexibility to drink and dine as they please. It is important legislation does not unnecessarily hamstring businesses in the provision of hospitality and dining experiences”.
The first stage of changes to the Liquor Control Act will come into effect 20 November 2015.


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