Please consider an EOFY donation to help feed those in need

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Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 4.21.00 PMImagine not knowing where your next meal is coming from, or not having enough food in your cupboard to feed yourself or your family. Sadly, this is the reality for thousands of Australians.
Foodbank’s Hunger Report 2016 reveals that food insecurity is reaching crisis point in Australia with 1 in 6 people seeking food relief in the past year, 33% of whom are children.

In Western Australia Foodbank feeds over 53,000 people each month. However, the fight isn’t over. There are still over 7,000 people being turned away empty handed.
We know that during winter, with higher electricity bills to pay, many will struggle to stay warm and put food on the table for themselves and their families. We believe that this is a choice that no West Australian should have to make.

Please, give generously today and help Foodbank feed those who would otherwise be facing our coldest months with empty stomachs.

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