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The Australian Hotels Association (WA) has strongly endorsed the WA Government’s announcement that the state will transition to Phase 5 from Wednesday, with the removal of capacity restrictions helping hospitality venues recover from the impact of COVID-19.

AHA(WA) CEO Bradley Woods said Wednesday will mark a historic day for WA’s hospitality industry, which has endured 16 months of trading restrictions in some form.

“This is an extremely significant and welcome announcement for our industry and one that will be celebrated by across the state,” Mr Woods said.

“WA is the first state to have capacity limits removed, placing our hotels, bars, pubs, taverns, restaurants and entertainment venues firmly on the path to recovery.”

“The effects of moving to phase 5 are substantial and widespread – businesses can grow with confidence and employ more staff, patrons will no longer be turned away from venues that are half full and weddings can go ahead at full capacity.”

“The AHA commends the WA Government for their ongoing collaboration with the hospitality industry and their continued pursuit of removing capacity restrictions.”

“This is a long awaited outcome for the hospitality industry and the AHA is extremely pleased that our advocacy efforts over recent weeks to achieve is outcome have been heard.”

“If we are to remain in phase 5 and reap the benefits of having no capacity restrictions in place, it is critical that we all maintain our vigilance by ensuring contact registers are used every time and personal hygiene practices continue.”


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