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The Australian Hotels Association (WA) has welcomed a decision by the City of Perth Council that provides certainty to hospitality operators in Northbridge, allows venues to emit reasonable levels of noise and secures its position as Perth’s premier entertainment precinct.

At last night’s City of Perth Council meeting, Councillors supported a common-sense alteration to what is known as Amendment 41 of the City of Perth City Planning Scheme 2, which essentially raised the allowable noise levels for hospitality venues located in the core of Northbridge.

AHA(WA) CEO Bradley Woods said the amendment provided a critical change to what was originally on the table, lifting the allowable noise from 90dB to 95dB, along with several other technical changes.

“The Amendment 41 process has been complex and long, but we now have a solution that recognises the importance of protecting the hospitality industry, which has long played a critical role in Northbridge,” Mr Woods said.

“Residents who live or move into Northbridge do so with the knowledge that it is a vibrant entertainment precinct and that there will inevitably be noise. This is evidenced by the very low number of noise complaints in Northbridge that the City of Perth receives each year.”

“Importantly, the decision by Council will not see the noise levels emitted by venues increase, but it provides certainty for current licensees and recognises Northbridge for its significance as the State’s premier entertainment area.”

“We commend City of Perth Councillors and in particular Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas for the leadership that they have shown throughout this process.”

“This has been a complex issue that has spanned several years, and we are appreciative of the work of the Council and the determination of elected members to arrive at a sensible outcome.”

The Amendment 41 passed by Council will now be forwarded to the WA Planning Commission for assessment and a recommendation presented to the Minister for Planning for determination.


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