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The Australian Hotels Association (AHA) WA has welcomed today’s announcement by the McGowan Government that WA’s hotels and hospitality businesses will have certain fees waived for Water Corporation’s fixed wastewater service charges, in response to the impact of COVID-19.

AHA(WA) CEO Bradley Woods said the relief measure will be welcomed by accommodation hotels, pubs, taverns, bars and restaurants across WA and follows focused advocacy by the AHA(WA) over the past months.

“We thank the McGowan Government and in particular Water Minister Dave Kelly for responding to the concerns of WA’s hotel and hospitality industry, which has continued to incur significant fixed wastewater charges at a time when visitation has ground to a standstill,” Mr Woods said.

“The AHA has long advocated for this to be included as part of the State Government’s suite of relief measures and today’s announcement shows the Government is responding to industry concerns.”

“WA’s hotel and hospitality operators have been dealt a devastating blow as a result of the forced shutdowns and restrictions imposed in response to COVID-19.”

“Whilst the Government can and is taking action to support these businesses, the most urgent need right now is for Western Australians to get out and support local businesses, particularly in regional WA.”

“The recovery of WA’s hospitality industry will be largely dependent the support that is received from local residents so we strongly encourage people to get out and explore their own backyard, whether that be a regional area or even their local pub or restaurant.”


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