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The Australian Hotels Association (AHA) WA has welcomed the clarification that the WA Government has provided to licensed venues today by allowing taverns, bars and restaurants to deliver limited quantities of alcohol with a meal.

AHA(WA) CEO Bradley Woods said venues are trying hard to navigate the unprecedented challenges that have arisen as a result of COVID-19 and it was important that they are provided with support to continue to trade in whatever capacity they can.

“We welcome the State Government confirming our previous advice that licensed venues without a dedicated bottle shop who would ordinarily be able to sell take-away liquor can continue to do so from within the venue.”

“We also welcome the lifeline that the State Government has provided to WA’s licensed venues which will allow many to remain open and save jobs.”

“The AHA continues with work with State and Federal Governments to ensure that WA’s hospitality industry is provided with comprehensive support and practical assistance to survive this crisis.”

Summary of allowable trade

  • Hotels/taverns with bottleshops – Open to sell take-away and delivery with restricted quantities
  • Hotels/taverns with no bottleshops but who are ordinarily allowed to sell take-away over the bar – Open to sell take-away and delivery with restricted quantities
  • Restricted taverns/hotels, small bars, restaurants and some special facility licenses who are not ordinarily allowed to sell take-away – Open to sell take-away and delivery alcohol with a meal, with additional restricted quantities (see below).

Restricted quantities for take-away alcohol only (as announced on Wednesday)

Per customer, per day:

  1. One carton of beer, cider or pre-mixed spirits; or
  2. Three bottles of wine; or
  3. One litre of spirits; or
  4. One litre of fortified wine; or
  5. A combination of any two of the above (but not a combination of two of the same product).

Additional restricted quantities for take-away alcohol with a meal

Per order:

  • One bottle of wine and
  • One six pack beer, cider or pre-mixed spirits (the six pack can be in any combination)

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