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The Australian Hotels Association (WA) has welcomed the announcement by the Australian Football League (AFL) that Optus Stadium will host the 2021 AFL Grand Final, in the event that Victoria is unable to due to COVID-19.

Australian Hotels Association (WA) CEO Bradley Woods said given the unfolding situation in Victoria, Perth looks very likely secure the Grand Final and with it, the substantial economic benefits that would flow to WA’s hotels, bars, restaurants, pubs and taverns.

“While WA has not yet been confirmed as the host, we are the equivalent of being five metres out, directly in front of the goals,” Mr Woods said.

“Optus Stadium is the obvious choice for so many reasons, but above all we have substantial capacity in the best stadium in the southern hemisphere to do justice to the biggest game on Australia’s sporting calendar.”

“WA’s ability to suppress and manage COVID-19 over the past 18 months has placed us in an excellent position to make the most out of the Grand Final, should the MCG be ruled out as an option.”

“With no restrictions in place, hospitality venues across Perth and regional WA will be able to draw capacity crowds, while hotels in Perth’s CBD are primed to benefit from intrastate and interstate visitors.”

“This would be a massive boon for WA’s hotel and hospitality industry and one that is well deserved after a challenging 18 months.”

“Our hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars and taverns stand ready, willing and able to provide the best hospitality Australia has to offer and to show the world what Perth looks like in 2021 – a clean, safe and exciting world-class destination.”


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