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The Australian Hotels Association (AHA) WA has been working with WA’s accommodation hotels over the past five days to prepare them for the role outlined in the Prime Minister’s announcement today in supporting forced quarantine arrivals.

AHA(WA) CEO Bradley Woods said that WA’s hotels and hospitality businesses are making extraordinary sacrifices in the bid to tackle the spread of COVID-19.

“WA’s hotels and all of our hospitality venues throughout the state have always been the centre of our local communities and are doing their bit now to support health accommodation needs as well as critical food and beverage supply, particularly for essential service workers who don’t have time to shop and cook,” Mr Woods said.

“The Prime Minister’s announcement that hotels will provide quarantine services for all incoming arrivals – both residents and visitors – will be supported and activated immediately as needed.”

“The AHA has been engaged in close discussions with the State and Federal Government over the past weeks to ensure we continue to play a critical role in curbing the spread of COVID-19 and yet again the industry has stepped up to the plate.”


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